1000L pöördosmoosisüsteemid Soolase vee puhastamise veepuhastusmasinad

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Tehase hind 1000L pöördosmoosi süsteemid Soolase vee puhas puhastamine Veepuhastusmasinad

Reverse osmosis is the most precise membrane liquid separation technology. The operating pressure is applied on the side of the inlet water and the concentrated solution to overcome the natural osmotic pressure.  Water Treatment Machinery When the operating pressure higher than the natural osmotic pressure is dropped on the side of the concentrated solution, water molecules naturally permeate the flow The direction will be reversed, and the water molecules in the influent concentrated solution pass through the reverse osmosis membrane to become the purified wate an the dilute solution side;  
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Toote kirjeldus


STARK pakub laia valikut veepuhastuslahendusi nii orgaanilistele kui ka anorgaanilistele ainetele mitmesugustes rakendustes, sealhulgas:

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Tööstusheitvete ajutised puhastussüsteemid

Tööstuslik veefiltratsioon - uuendamine, projekteerimine ja ehitamine Kõigil meie süsteemidel on võimalused täielikuks PLC juhtimiseks, kaugjuhtimiseks, jälgimiseks ja andmete kogumiseks vastavalt kliendi vajadustele.  Juhtpaneelid on projekteeritud ja ehitatud nii sisemiselt kui ka kõik PLC programmeerimised, mis võimaldavad meil süsteemi juhtimist hõlpsamini kohandada vastavalt projekti nõuetele. Saame pakkuda esialgseid stendikatseid ja tõestavaid teste, samuti pilootkatseid ja kohapealseid demonstratsioone. Sageli saame vahepealseks perioodiks pakkuda seadmeid oma rendipargist, samal ajal kui projekteeritakse ja ehitatakse täismõõduline süsteem.

1000l Reverse Osmosis Systems Salt Water Pure Water Purification Treatment Machinery2
Toote parameetrid
产水量 Productivity(T/H) 电机功率Motor power(KW) 回收率Recovery rate(%) 出水电导率 Väljalaske veejuhtivus(uS/CM) 原水电导率Toorvee juhtivus(u S/CM)
0.5 1.5 50 ≤10 ≤300
1 2.2 50 ≤10 ≤300
2 3 50-60 ≤10 ≤300
3 4.5 55-65 ≤10 ≤300
4 6.5 55-65 ≤10 ≤300
5 8 60-70 ≤10 ≤300
10 18 60-70 ≤10 ≤300
20 30 65-75 ≤10 ≤300
30 40 70-75 ≤10 ≤300
50 70 70-75 ≤10 ≤300
100 115 70-75 ≤10 ≤300
200 230 70-75 ≤10 ≤300
Guangdong Stark Water Treatment Technology Co., Ltd. is a company that focuses on water treatment plant and is committed to the research and development, production, sales and after-sales service of environmentally friendly water purification industrial products. The main production and operation of water treatment plant: reverse osmosis system, ultrafiltration system, EDI desalination system, sea water desalination plant, brackish water desalination plant. Products are widely used in electronics, electroplating, power plants, medicine, petroleum, chemical, food and beverage, printing and dyeing industries. Stark strives to be the forefront explorer of water treatment equipment at home and abroad!


Toote parameeter

STK-RO-1000L technical parameter 
Motor power:2.2kw
Recovery rate:50% 
Qutlet water conductivity:≦10 μs/cm 
Raw water conductivity:≦300 μs/cm 

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