Küsimused veepuhastustööstusele

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02 veebr 2023

Küsimused veepuhastustööstusele

Küsimused veepuhastustööstusele

1 Millised on eeltöötlusseadmed?
Vastus: Eeltöötlusseadmete hulka kuuluvad: mehaaniline filter, kõrge efektiivsusega kiudfilter, aktiivsöefilter, täppisfilter, ultrafiltratsioon, mikrofiltratsioon, naatriumioonipehmendaja, raua ja mangaani eemaldamise filter, doseerimisseade, toorveepaak, kokkupuute Qi bassein.

2 Millised on magestamiseelsed seadmed?
Vastus: Demineraliseerimiseelsed seadmed sisaldavad elektrodialüüsiseadet ja pöördosmoosi seadet.

3 Millised on sügava magestamise seadmed?
Vastus: Sügava magestamise seadmed sisaldavad anionvahetit, kationiiti, segatud ioonvahetit, destilleerimisseadet, EDI seadet

4 Kuidas on Mehaaniline filter Valitud? Kuidas see töötab?
Answer: The selection of the Mehaaniline filter is based on the total water inflow of the system to select the size and combination of the filter (one Mehaaniline filter is not enough, you can choose multiple parallel use and spare quantity), such as water recovery according to the pöördosmoosi süsteem The ratio of the size of the rate to the system water production yields the total water intake of the system. The filler in the Mehaaniline filter is composed of many refined quartz sands of different particle sizes in strict order from large to small, thus forming a good quartz sand gradation. When the filter is first put into use, the filtering effect is often not very good, because the filter did not form a "bridge" at the beginning. The so-called "bridge" refers to an interception net composed of suspended matter in the water. Suspended solids with the same particle size, and then intercepted suspended solids with smaller particle sizes, forming a reverse particle size filtration process that first intercepts large particles and then intercepts small particles. Once the filter forms a "bridge", the filtering effect is very good. As the operation time increases, the filtering accuracy will become higher and higher, the interception net will become thicker, and the pressure difference between the inlet and outlet will increase. When the pressure difference reaches 1kg /cm2 The filter should be backwashed. It is best to use compressed air to scrub the quartz sand during the backwashing process. The general engineering experience is that Mehaaniline filters with a diameter of less than 2500mm do not need compressed air; while Mehaaniline filters with a diameter greater than 2500mm The filter must be scrubbed with compressed air to achieve a satisfactory cleaning effect; the backwash flow is generally 3-4 times the design capacity of the filter. Most of the old-fashioned Mehaaniline filters use large pebbles as the base cushion, and the bottom is evenly punched with permeable holes with convex steel plates, so that the water distribution is uneven, and it is easy to produce a large center filtration rate and a small edge filtration rate; after the filter is backwashed Sometimes the mixed layer of quartz sand will occur, so that the filter material will inevitably leak into the lower pipeline and Täppisfilter, which will pose a serious threat to the Täppisfilter and reverse osmosis device. After continuous practice and experimentation, many manufacturers have improved the Mehaaniline filter. The water distribution device adopts a porous plate and a special ABS water cap. This type of ABS water cap has different functions of two-way output, that is, the output is smaller during operation. , The backwash output can be increased several times, so that the water distribution of the filter is more uniform during the normal washing, the backwash is more thorough, and the quality of the effluent is greatly improved. In order to prevent fine sand from penetrating the filter during operation or backwashing, the penetration gap of this ABS water cap is very small, generally around 0.1-0.2mm. It is worth noting that during the filling process of the filter filler, a certain amount of water must be injected into the filter to prevent the large quartz sand from crushing the ABS water cap; during the installation of the water cap, hard shoes cannot be worn To prevent the ABS water cap from being crushed. The Mehaaniline filter is equipped with a backwash water inlet limit butterfly valve to control and adjust the backwash water flow. The backwash strength should make the filter layer expand by 15-25%, and the backwash compressed air strength is generally 10-18L/S.m2. If there is no compressed air, Roots blower can be considered.

5 Kuidas on Täppisfilter Valitud? Mitu tüüpi filtreid on olemas?
Answer: The selection of the Täppisfilter is matched with the total water intake, and the diameter of the Täppisfilter is selected according to the total water intake. For 40"5um filter elements, the single water production rate is roughly 2m3/h. The types of filter elements generally include polypropylene filter elements, honeycomb filter elements, melt-blown filter elements, and folded filter elements.

6 Kuidas eemaldada rauda vees?
Vastus: Põhjavees olev raud on üldjuhul raudjane, seega tuleb raudraud oksüdeerida raudrauaks. Oksüdatsiooniprotsess lõpeb õhutamisega. Õhutusseade puutub veega täielikult kokku hapnikuga, et tekitada looduslikku oksüdatsiooni. ; Vesi pärast õhutamist läbib raua eemaldamise ja mangaani eemaldamise filter raua eemaldamise protsessi läbiviimiseks. Kui enamik vees olevast rauast on kolmevalentne raud, ei pea seda gaseerima, vaid siseneb eemaldamiseks otse raua ja mangaani eemaldamise filtrisse.


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